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Lead Sequence

Leads are contacts in LoopSpark that have not yet created an account on your booking software. Once a lead creates an account on your booking software using the same email or mobile phone, their “lead” account on LoopSpark will automatically merge with their newly created account from your booking software, preserving all communications during their lead phase and moving forward, syncing with their behavioral data from your booking software.

Leads can be added to LoopSpark in a few ways:

  1. Manually add a single lead - Adding a single lead in LoopSpark is a great way to capture someone’s contact information when they drop in your studio to request more information, or as you have a lead on the phone. By adding the lead into LoopSpark, you will not only retain their contact informing, but using the steps in this help doc you can automatically communicate with them until they create an account on your booking software, thereby entering your prospect sequence of automations.
  2. Bulk upload leads - Gathering a large list of leads from a pop-up event? Leads can be uploaded in bulk via CSV upload, allowing your team to collect contact information in mass and upload in one fell swoop. When bulk uploading leads from an event, it’s recommended to add a referral type in your upload file, allowing you to tailor communications for leads that were gathered at a specific event.
  3. Zapier Integration - Running Facebook, Google or TikTok lead ads? Adding LoopSpark’s Zapier add-on allows you to immediately push these leads into automations, provided the fastest follow up to keep your interested leads moving forward on the path of membership.

Sequence Goal

The goal of the lead sequence is pretty simple - get your leads to create an account on your booking software so you can sell them an intro offer and get them to attend!

The lead sequence will begin whenever a lead is added to LoopSpark, and will end when the automations you’ve created no longer apply to the timeframe the lead was created, OR when the lead creates an account on your booking software (automatically making the profile in LoopSpark no longer a lead profile, and entering the contact into your prospect automations).

Where Lead sequence fits in your client journey

Right at the very top! If you choose to upload leads into LoopSpark, this part of the client journey is the very beginning, or “top of the sales funnel,” as it may also be referred.

  • Lead Sequence - Lead is added to LoopSpark by way of single upload, bulk upload or Zapier connection, triggering your lead sequence of automations based on how many days after being added to LoopSpark. Once the lead creates an account on your booking software, they will flow into your prospect sequence of automations.
  • Prospect Sequence - Prospect creates an account on booking software -> Triggers your prospect sequence of automations based on how many days after creating their account, and no events attended or scheduled for the future.
  • First Visit - Confirmation - Prospect books their first event -> No longer (currently eligible for Prospect automations), and will trigger automations for First Visit - Confirmation confirming the date/time of their first booking, and delivering important information to streamline first visit, such as what to bring, when to arrive, what to expect, and link to complete a liability waiver.
  • First Event Missed - Prospect misses their first event -> Will trigger your First Event Missed series of automations, then fall back into your Prospect Automations until they reschedule.
  • First Visit Follow Up - Prospect attends their first event -> No longer eligible to trigger Prospect automations, and will trigger your First Visit Follow Up automations.

Designing a good lead sequence

As leads do not have accounts on your booking software, there will be very little behavioral data used to target this audience; however, there will be a very clear call to action: Setup an account on our booking software! Below are a few tips to ensure you are successful in getting leads to take the next step of setting up an account on your booking software:

1. Immediate Follow up & Perseverance

Strike while the iron’s hot, as they say. This is especially true of leads, who are actively searching for their next fitness studio. Immediate follow up (triggering automations immediately when lead accounts are created on LoopSpark) will ensure these opportunities stay engaged with your brand before shopping around for alternatives. We recommend setting up an email and SMS automation to deploy when lead accounts are created, and continue to persevere with leads for a duration of 30 days. Just like the prospect sequence, use a mix of email, SMS and To-Do automations with a heavy cadence in the first week, tapering off the cadence over the following weeks.

2. Clear Call-To-Action (CTA)

Make it easy for leads to take the next step. As the next step for a lead is almost always “setup an account on booking software” add clear CTA buttons in emails, and directions in SMS messages to make this as simple as a click of a link. Let your lead know what their next step is going to be through clear messaging, such as:

“We can’t wait to get your started at {{STUDIO_NAME}}! The first step will be creating an account with us and redeeming your introductory offer. You can do so by clicking on the following link {{STUDIO_LIST_PACKAGES_URL}}. Let us know if you have any questions or need help setting up your account and booking your first class.”

Using Studio Merge Tags, such as link to view class schedule {{STUDIO_BOOK_CLASS_URL}} , and link to purchase a package {{STUDIO_LIST_PACKAGES_URL}} is an easy way to have your lead create an account and either schedule their first visit, or purchase your introductory offer.

3. Provide a way to remove a member from this sequence

A new lead might respond to your communications to let you know they’re not interested, or not ready to get started. In this scenario we don’t want to opt the member out of email or SMS, we simply want to ensure they don’t continue to trigger your lead automations.

This is where we’ll leverage tags, or as we’ll refer to them in the client journey, Stop Tags. If you are not familiar with Tags or how they can be used to remove clients from specific types of automations, take a quick look at this doc: Client Tags

4. Differentiate lead types

Not all leads will enter LoopSpark for the same reason. Some may be automatically added by filling out a lead ad form (Zapier connection), while others may be manually uploaded following a pop-up event or inbound phone call.

Setting up immediate SMS and Email automations following lead ads is a best practice, while the messaging might seem a bit incongruent for leads you’re manually uploading following an event.

Leads uploaded via CSV file / following specific event:

Let’s say you host an event at a bridal trade show and want to send a specific follow up email to just these leads. It might seem strange for event leads to immediately receive a message prompting them to setup an account with your studio. Instead, you can setup specific emails targeting these members IF you add a referral column in the CSV file you upload to LoopSpark. This way, you can send a very tailored message to attendees of this event using the filter client referral = and remove them from the first few days of your lead sequence by adding the filter client referral = has not .

Leads added via Zapier or single lead upload:

Leads that come into LoopSpark from a social media lead ad (Zapier) or call in and are added manually will require immediate follow up.

In order to ensure your lead automations immediately target this type of lead, while providing the flexibility to setup specific automations for leads gathered at an event (CSV upload), you can add the filter client referral = has not to the first few days of your lead sequence, allowing leads with no referral type (facebook lead ad submission, for example) to immediately trigger a follow up communication, and provide a buffer time for you to send targeted messages to event gathered leads (CSV file).

We’ll walk through the various setups below.

Lead Audience Setup:

In plain english, the audience we’ll be targeting:

  • Was added as a lead in LoopSpark X days ago, and
  • has not been remove from this sequence by way of “stop tag”
  • Has not created an account on your booking software (as they are still a lead in LoopSpark), and
  • (optional) does NOT have a referral type (allowing you to differentiate event gathered leads from every other lead).

Filters used in lead automations:

  • Client lead = is a lead - The contacts we’ll be targeting are leads in LoopSpark, and have not created an account on your booking software.
  • Lead Creation Date - How many days after creating a lead account on LoopSpark will your automation trigger? This will be the “effective trigger point” for all lead automations, and will be the ONLY filter that changes for any lead automation.
  • Client Tag - This filter will allow us to remove an individual from your lead automations without opt-ing them out from email or SMS.
  • Client Referral (optional) - This optional filter will allow us to tailor specific messages based on how a lead was added to LoopSpark (eg - event follow up or Zapier connection).


Make sure your audience does NOT have any other client rules with the filter Client Active Profile = Active , otherwise leads will not be included in your target audience.

Lead Automation Rules

Your lead automations will all have a very similar audience, with only one filter changing for each automation: Lead Account Creation Date

The audiences will contain only 1 rule. We’ll walk through two different approaches below, both very similar, only differing in the filter client referral which if added, will allow you to target specific messages based on a lead’s referral type.

Both options require one rule group.

Option 1: Don’t send to leads with a referral type:

We recommend this segment setup for automations triggering one to three days following leads being added to LoopSpark. This segment will add an additional filter, client referral = has not, preventing any lead with a referral type from triggering your automations and allowing you to send tailored lead follow ups to contacts from events.

Rule 1 (contains 4 filters):

  • Client lead = Is a lead
  • Client Tag = does NOT have [select your lead stop tag]
  • Client referral = has not
  • Client lead creation date = [select when this automation will trigger] - This will be the only filter that changes between automations in your lead sequence.

Rule 1 described: Target leads that were added to LoopSpark today or X days ago, do not have any referral type, and have not been removed from this sequence from a stop tag.

Example Lead (with no referral type) Audience Screen Shot

Example Lead with no referral type screen shot

Option 2: Send to any lead based on lead creation date:

If you’re not planning on sending specific lead automations based on referral type, or want any lead to trigger your lead automations (we recommend this approach starting 3 days after lead account creation date if you choose to target leads based on referral type), below is your audience setup.

Rule 1 (contains 3 filters):

  • Client lead = Is a lead
  • Client Tag = does NOT have [select your lead stop tag]
  • Client lead creation date = [select when this automation will trigger] - This will be the only filter that changes between automations in your lead sequence.

Rule 1 described: Target leads that were added to LoopSpark today or X days ago, and have not been removed from this sequence from an stop tag.

Example Lead Audience Screen Shot

Example Lead screen shot

Automation Catalog

Need help building your lead automations, or want to add a few more touch points? We have a few templates in our automation catalog to get you started:

  1. Click on Automations -> Catalog
  2. Locate the category Lead
  3. Select the automations you’d like to add to your account.

Watch Lead Sequence buildout

Example lead automation sequence built from scratch.

Dashboard Segments

Adding a few lead segments to your dashboard is a great way to visualize leads that were created today, in the last week, in the last month etc.