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Saved Automations - View, Edit, Filter, and Track

This article discusses how to view saved automations, filter your automation list, edit automations, and track automation progress.

Viewing Saved Automations

Your saved automations will all be listed under the menu tab Automations >> List

Filtering Saved Automations

You can filter your list of saved automations using the filters on the top of your automation list page.

Re-ordering Saved Automations

Automations within an automation category can be re-ordered to provide a better visual representation of your automated sequence. To re-oder automations:

  1. Click on an automation category
  2. Click the re-oder icon located to the right of the automation category name
  3. Move your automations up or down until you have the correct order
  4. Click the save icon to save your desired automation order

Editing Saved Automations

Clicking on any automation name in your Automations list will pop up a new window where you will be able to edit, pause and track that specific automation.

Editing Automation Segments

Editing the audience attached to an automation will only edit the audience in that automation. If you copied an existing segment during the automation setup process, this segment will NOT be changed. If you edit a segment that you used to copy to this automation, the audience attached to this automation will NOT be changed.

Editing Automation Message

You can edit an automation message, but keep in mind users who already received you previous message will NOT receive your new message. Editing existing messages is best used for correcting typos or formatting, NOT for changing the content/purpose of the actual message.

Tracking Automations

Tracking delivery, clicks, opens, last actions and completed to-do lists is found by selecting the automation you wish to track.

Automations linked to messages (email and text) will create Discussions. Discussions can be viewed either in your Discussions list, or by clicking into a client's profile and navigating the the tab called discussions

A few terms related to tracking automations:

Status - Automations can be Open or closed. Messages that are open can be viewed in the discussions section, and are indicated with a blue alert in the associated client's profile.

To-do items can also be open meaning not completed, deleted meaning not completed but not needed, or done meaning completed.

Bounced - Indicates whether or not an email was bounced back from the recipient.

Delivered - Indicates if the message was actually sent.

Created - Lists the date when the communication was sent, or when a to-do item was created.

Last Action - Displays when the last click, open, or action was taken by the recipient.

Tracking Messages

  1. Select the automation from the Automation List
  2. View the clicks, opens, Status, bounces, created date, and last action.